Staying Connected Online: How Local Government, Nonprofits, and Small Businesses Can Create an Effective Social Media Strategy

Project Date: August 2022

Client: Northwestern Boot Camps

Industry: Digital Marketing

My Responsibilities:

  • Idea pitching

  • Link building for SEO

  • Copy & content

  • UX design

  • Cross-collaboration with design team and project managers

  • Website publication

Description: Technological advances can help local government agencies, nonprofits, and small businesses actively engage with individuals in their area more easily than ever before.

Challenge: My team’s 2022 goal was to find untapped areas for new content and make strategic recommendations within our verticals/space, increasing our average link to content ratio, and unlocking new linking audiences.

Resolution: This blog post explains how municipal governmental departments, nonprofits, and small business owners can put together a strong social media strategy, including how to set KPIs.

Methodology: Using Ahrefs and Google, we used keyword searches to determine the top ranking websites. We analyzed results for top keyword searches for all verticals using relevant Google searches and audited the backlinks earned on our competitors’ site and their top content using Ahrefs. Afterwards, we created a list of potential pivot audiences and content ideas based on successful competitor content.