Penn Boot Camps Instagram Page

Project Date: November 2019-July 2020

Client: Penn Boot Camps

Industry: Coding, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Fintech

My Responsibilities:

  • Copywriting

  • Social media strategy

  • Content calendar planning

  • Competitor research

  • Hashtag research

  • Reputation management

  • Promotional graphic creation (Canva)

Challenge: Penn Boot Camps Instagram page needed a cohesive social media marketing plan detailing the program’s value propositions, new product launches, student stories, and more.

Resolution: I was responsible for the content curation, copywriting, and scheduling of the Instagram page. I drove organic social media traffic to the website and generated link clicks on marketing campaigns.


  • Content planning for 3 days a week for Instagram

  • Conduced research to find trending topics

  • Proactive and reactive social media engagement

  • Reputation management using AgoraPulse

  • Obtained testimonials from learners to showcase them

Results: The page gained 1,000+ followers as a result of ongoing engagement and stand out graphics.